Fresh Ungraded Eggs
Goose Eggs $2/each
Duck Eggs $1.00/each
Fresh Ungraded Eggs
Goose Eggs $2/each
Duck Eggs $1.00/each
Our eggs are laid by our free-range birds. This means that they are able to freely access their outside barnyard during the daylight hours to roam freely and forage at will. They have indoor nesting and shelter available to them at all times.
Our birds are fed 100% certified organic feeds.
Pickles, Jams, Jellies, Relishes, and Chutneys made using our own farm-grown produce.
Try our Zesty Dilled Beans...Our customers tell us they are fabulous in a Dirty Caesar...
All Butter Scones
Made fresh every week just for the Market! We use only 100% Canadian Butter and our own graded eggs to make these delicious treats.
Flavours may include Classic Currant, Orange-Cranberry, Garlic-Cheddar, Pumpkin-Date
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
in season
We have dropped our Organic Certification to keep our costs lower. This means we are able to offer the same quality of organically grown produce while keeping the prices down. Please feel free to chat with us about our growing practices!
Goose Eggs
Dryer Balls
Hand-made using pure wool yarn and roving.
Why use wool dryer balls?
Depending on the make and model of your dryer, they can decrease drying time by 30 to 50 per cent, saving energy and money
Decreased wrinkles = less time ironing!
Reduces static
Safe for people with sensitive skin (work well with cloth diapers)
From Our Farm to your Table